Many of us waste a lot of time worrying about things that don’t matter and fearing situations that will never come true. But just because we can be anxious without a good reason doesn’t mean we should never trust our gut.
For example, if you feel like your spouse has changed, is doing things behind your back, and is now keeping many secrets from you, you are probably right in thinking that something is wrong. Continue Reading
Being married may have you wondering at times if your spouse is faithful. If you think this person is cheating on you, this could be the case. In many cases, there are likely several indications that your husband is unfaithful. It’s important that you are on the lookout for these signs your husband is cheating on you. The truth might hurt, but it is better to be prepared than to be blindsided by his adultery. Continue Reading
Ask a divorce lawyer and they’ll tell you that January is their busy season: it’s the most common month for divorce. Holiday stress and financial woes take an emotional toll on many couples. So it’s tempting to think that if you’re still together by January 31st, your marriage is home and dry.
Unfortunately, if there are problems in your marriage, they won’t go away at the end of the month: and the calendar’s shortest month has many complicated factors that can make life – and love – even harder for you and your spouse.
1. The holiday hangover
The holiday season means spending lots of time cooped up together in close quarters; getting drawn into family arguments; and perhaps the stress of having to organize a holiday meal or party. Then there are the resulting January arguments: every couple fights, but stats show that many couples fight more often in January than in any other month. So by the time February rolls around you may find that you and your partner are experiencing a lot of resentment, and your relationship is strained.
2. Financial trouble
Money causes more marital rows than just about anything else. So it’s undoubtedly going to have an impact on you, your partner and your marriage when you’re still dealing with the holiday credit card bills well into February – and your next holiday bonus is a long way away.
3. Blame it on the weatherman
The bad weather may not be as relentless in February as it was in January; but it’s still cold and rainy so much of the time that it’s hard to plan any decent time out of the house. No romantic getaways; no Sunday morning walks in the park: just you, your spouse, an overheated home and a stack of bills. Not to mention that the lack of sunlight can have a huge negative impact on your mood, leading to irritability and – you guessed it – more rows.
4. You’ve broken all your New Year’s Resolutions already
If your marriage has been under strain you may have started the year determined to put things right. You may have resolved to be kinder to your partner, to share the chores more equally, or even to take up a new hobby as a couple. By February those good intentions are likely to have evaporated, leaving you struggling either to connect as a couple or to accept that things just aren’t working.
5. Valentine’s Day
V-Day can put any relationship under pressure. After two or three months of stress and strain, the last thing you might need is an overpriced night out – especially if it only serves to remind you that you and your partner just aren’t as loved-up as you once were.
6. Wondering whether it’s time for a divorce lawyer
The February blues may be a sign that it’s time for you and your partner to make a big change in your lives – and even contemplating that change can be scary. There can be so much to think about, particularly if you have children or own a home together. If you think it’s time to talk to a divorce lawyer, contact a specialised firm – like Ontario divorce lawyers Matrimonial Home – to make sure you know what to expect.
A marriage is meant to last a lifetime, but sadly, not all of them make it. The number of divorces has been on the rise, with more than 40 percent of all first marriages breaking up. While there are a lot of different reasons for a marriage not lasting, we take a look at the top six reasons here.
Often the most pivotal reasons behind a divorce is one partner cheating on the other. Infidelity is more common than most people can imagine. It could be a response to anger and resentment towards the partner, and it could also be because of lack of emotional intimacy. What often begins as a friendship becomes an emotional affair and then a physical one.
Money affects a marriage in different ways. Different spending habits, different financial goals, and the woman making more money than the man are all reasons why finances are a major cause for divorce. Financial problems lead to stress and strain in the marriage, ultimately ending in a divorce. Money is a paramount reason why a divorce legal professional is hired by couples.
Watch the show Breaking Bad and you will see some of this!
Even though it seems superficial, body image and weight issues are among the leading causes of divorce. Weight gain in one partner causes the other to be less attracted to them, and when this continues for a while, it leads to self esteem issues. This takes a toll on the marriage, when no amount of diets or exercise can fix the problem. In the end, a divorce lawyer is hired to separate the couple.
There was an episode of The Simpson pertaining to this – Homer was massive and Marge was not too happy about that!
Physical, mental, emotional, and financial abuse are often the reason why marriages break up. Although this is sad, abuse in relationships is on the rise these days, and it isn’t always the woman who’s the victim. When abuse continues in a marriage for a long time, the affected spouse is forced to leave home and end the marriage. No matter what the reason for abuse, no one should have to be in an abusive relationship.
Dexter’s girlfriend new all about that. That is one reason why Dexter did what he did!
Lack of communication between the two partners is often a cause for divorce. Miscommunication, arguing, quarreling, saying nasty things to each other, failing to see each other’s point of view all indicate a lack of communication. Outstanding communication is the foundation of any relationship. When a couple keeps bickering and misunderstanding each other, the marriage is in trouble.
Photo via Pixabay
Lack of intimacy
Emotional distance between two partners can sour a relationship because it makes couples feel as though they are living with strangers or roommates. Not giving time to your spouse or making any effort to make the relationship special is a major cause of discontent and divorce among couples, leading to divorce.
Photo via Pixabay
A marriage requires a lot of work from both spouses. To make your marriage last forever and prevent the need for a divorce lawyer, you must make it a priority to address issues that pop up in the marriage before it’s too late. And in case you need to hire a divorce lawyer in Toronto, get in touch with legal experts of Matrimonial Home.